When viewed as a war story, the COVID-19 narrative framed in corporate media urges citizens to be on a constant “war footing” and yet reveals symptoms of a much deeper and more widespread pathology whose roots can be clearly identified in the context of the emergence of corporate personhood.

This article analyzes the leading narrative as a concoction of the technocratic mind and offers a recipe for readers to follow in their efforts to be more aware of the manipulations unfolding everywhere in the public discourse.

7.3 In summary, cardinal signs that a psychological propaganda recipe is at play include:

  1. A traumatic or shocking instigating event
  2. Designation of an official enemy
  3. Chronic imposition of threat-perception and incitement of fear and rage
  4. Deployment of two-word mantras and smears
  5. Enforcement of a rigid official reality
  6. Suppression, censorship and smearing of dissent
  7. Encouragement of an intergroup, us versus them mentality
  8. Imposition of confusion and uncertainty
  9. Repetition of key phrases and terms
  10. Offer of salvation (or associated incentives) by the state
