From JC…astute as always
My finely-honed narrative detectors are sensing a major narrative shift. But this one is not like the other ones. Before, you could easily spot the narrative shifts through stories and op-eds planted in the usual spots, like The Washington Post or The Atlantic, and because of what the government’s experts said on social media. This time, we don’t see any of that at all.
I have a theory. It’s just a theory.
My working hypothesis is that I think the military/intelligence cabal (or the pharma-captured agencies, or whoever is behind the jabs) have seen the data (of course they have) and realized they have a BIG problem. Remember, they have access to information we can only dream about. They’re in every insurance database, every military medical database, and every state-run medical system.
They know exactly what’s going on.
Their problem is not that there are side-effects. Of course they were expecting injuries. They’ve been playing with mRNA on a limited scale for ten years. Side effects are just simple snags to be ironed out in the next upgrade of their mRNA technology.
If I’m right, the real problem is the SCALE of the side effects and deaths.
So, if the deep state realizes they need to jam the brakes on the vaccine rollout before things go totally bonkers, what do they do? THEY CAN’T GO PUBLIC. They can NEVER admit the jabs were dangerous. That would cost them political power, which is EVEN WORSE than the unfolding disaster. And their public entities would get sued into oblivion.
But, they don’t have to admit anything. The answer is obvious. Just let the “anti-vaxxers” do all the heavy lifting. The deep state doesn’t need to put the brakes on anything. Instead of pushing an anti-jab message through their normal corporate media channels, all they have to do is take the brakes OFF the anti-vaxx censorship, and the correction will start to roll downhill all by itself. After enough true information gets out, people will stop taking the jabs.
It’s not the deep state’s favorite way of doing things, because they’d rather control the message. But this is the better option. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was even a pre-pandemic contingency plan for just this scenario.
If I’m right, then the U.S. agencies, including the CDC and the FDA, will continue mechanically repeating the same pro-jab message like broken talking dolls, but without any strength, and the pro-jabbers won’t get any more government support. They’ll have to debate the anti-vaxx crowd on Twitter all by themselves.
In other words, the jab-lovers are getting shipped off to the same social media desert where the rabid mask-o-philes are hopping around.
And if I’m right, and the parking brakes of political jab control are being released, then countries apart from the U.S. and Israel (which volunteered its citizens to be jab testers) will officially start getting skeptical. Which is consistent with what we’re seeing in Australia and Japan.
To be complete, a credible alternative minority hypothesis is that the Twitter files disclosures have made the deep state’s censorship apparatus a lot more … um … ‘circumspect,’ or ‘cautious,’ which has allowed a flood of anti-vaccine information to start pouring out. But I slightly prefer the narrative-shifting hypothesis, because it also explains how Twitter was allowed to fall into Elon Musk’s hands in the first place.
Either way, right or wrong, the brakes are obviously off and the pace is accelerating. Things are going to get mental up in here.
An attractive view, however I have difficulty seeing these control freaks able to think along these lines. They can’t let go of any control, it’s engrained in them