China’s current “epidemic”: more propaganda or the real thing this time?
Are the deaths real? Forget about test statistics and hospital stats, people dying is what a real epidemic is all about. Look at the videos from Jennifer Zeng’s Twitter feed: is this the fake, staged, propaganda stuff we’ve gotten used to? Jennifer is a good a judge of what’s real and what’s fake in Chinese media. She is also a native Chinese speaker who fled China after being released from prison for practicing Falun Gong. She’s not a normie.
Geert Vanden Bosche, a Dutch immunologist whose postings require supplemental background reading on immunology in order to understand them, predicted with great confidence about 6 months ago that an Omicron variant would eventually arise that was just as infectious as the rest but caused serious lung disease unlike all the other Omicron variants we’ve become used to. That’s what this looks like to me, if it’s Covid and not Flu.
If that’s the case, that it’s Covid still, it was nurtured and formed in the bodies of the vaxxed where mutation goes on almost endlessly because they can’t end Omicron infections quickly like a normal immune system can and therefore virus replication goes on for a long time and mutations that otherwise would never survive a normal immune system are able to themselves replicate and produce stronger mutants and then infect other vaxxed people who then allow the virus to keep improvising and eventually coming up with mutants that find the key to becoming lethal variants. It’s just like development of antibiotic resistant strains in bacterial infections. Present the pathogen with an obstacle and only the mutants which find a way around it go on to survive and spread.
This doesn’t mean that unvaxxed, normal people aren’t threatened by these vaxxed super-variants but they aren’t likely to die from them because the vaxxed’s immune systems are a pushover and a super vax-variant has evolved to take advantage of their weaknesses. In a normal person these super vax-variants probably don’t survive long. Their special tricks only work within the crippled vaxxed immune system.
Anyhow, we’ll know pretty soon is this China thing is for real or not when it spreads to cities outside China (or kills off a quarter of the population). Remember, most of the world now is vaxxed. It’s a different world than it was in 2020. Just as most people in 2020 had some degree of prior cross immunity to Covid from previous coronavirus infections (ie, colds), and that made Covid a dud, they now have vax-induced immune disease. They just don’t know it yet.
TimH – this could be one of the most important heads-up posts of the year.
If this turns out to be Geert’s prediction coming true – than the world (including NA) is about to get very VERY sick!
Not. Corona virus itself does not exist and has never been isolated by any lab anywhere on the planet. Therefore there cannot be variants. It is all propaganda and lies and should be ignored.