J C again

Uh-oh! More problems emerged last week with Moderna’s fancy covid drug in the form of two studies. The first study published in The Lancet, titled, “Molnupiravir plus usual care versus usual care alone as early treatment for adults with COVID-19 at increased risk of adverse outcomes (PANORAMIC): an open-label, platform-adaptive randomised controlled trial.”

These researchers studied outcomes of patients with and without Moderna’s covid treatment Molnupiravir (its version of Paxlovid), and found that Molupiravir doesn’t work:

Molnupiravir did not reduce the frequency of COVID-19-associated hospitalisations or death among high-risk vaccinated adults in the community.
That’s not good. But that’s not all.

Another pre-print study published on MedRxIV the same day, December 22nd, titled “Antiviral treatments lead to the rapid accrual of hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 mutations in immunocompromised patients.”

The researchers also studied Moderna’s covid treatment Molnupiravir, which is supposed to reduce viral replication by scrambling covid’s genome. Nothing could go wrong with that plan.

But here’s what the researchers said:

Within days of treatment, we detected a large number of low-frequency mutations in patients and that these new mutations could persist and, in some cases, were fixed in the virus population … This commonly used class of antivirals has the capability to supercharge SARS-CoV-2 evolution, and uncontrolled use may generate new variants with a transmission advantage that prolongs the pandemic and makes other therapeutics less effective.
So, not only doesn’t the drug work — it does NOT reduce serious covid infections or deaths — but it “supercharges” the evolution of new covid variants by DELIBERATELY randomly mutating the covid gene.

The FDA approved that drug. You really can’t make this stuff up.

We spent a TON on this safe and effective wonder drug. A seven day course of Molnupiravir costs around $700. The federal government has pre-purchased billions of dollars worth, making the drug another runaway success for Moderna.

I wonder what the experts will buy next? Repurposed rat poison? Injectable disinfectant?