“Can’t seem to shake this cold”
This is a common refrain from our Centre friends. This group took from 2-4 shots of the Magic Juice. Not Branchies though. Weird they took more than 2. GMG encountered friends (3 shots) who just can’t shake whatever they have. 2-3 weeks. The village has many down for the count. Tourists and locals.
I kept track this morning and out of 24 persons I met on the chair only 1 wasn’t going to listen to me. They ALL had 2-5 shots, had Covid 2-3 times since the shots. They seemed to know that the shots didn’t do squat. Didn’t know why. So I told them about immune fixation and “leaky shots”. They appeared interested in more info. None are “GETTING ANYMORE SHOTS as they raised their voice. Of course the one exception will be collecting her toaster. Why is it always a female???? All of them have had some respiratory illness of some sort in the past month, ALL. The WHO International Travel Vaccine passport disturbed most of them. I ran out of time.
This is a good article by Igor Chudov. A ten min read. A bit technical. All you need to know is the multi-juiced are training their IgG4 antibodies to bind with the spike so that the body ignores Covid and it goes wild. So the illness lasts longer before being cleared. This is my very simplified explanation. Please read for more info. Very disturbing.
I am seeing this more and more.
(I’ve lost the ability to highlight the link. Silver fox tried to help but I’m not seeing the same page)
NB: I should be able to reach a minimum of 20 new people a day. Even if only a handful wake up, I will be pleased. I avoid serious conversations about Covid with Mainland Chinese as I believe they are wary that I may be a govt agent. Hahahahaha
When I ask friend if they are sick – the response is always – its a cold, not C’vd – I tested. Over and over, rinse and repeat. Either one endless cold or shorter ones over and over. A friends husband had shingles for 4 months!!
Jeff Childers has an article about he antibodies also – even I could understand it.
I get his emails daily. He’s the real deal. This latest article on Wrong Antibodies is a must read.
“Can’t seem to shake this cold”
To see this happen to friends and family alike is downright bone chilling. Does not need to happen.
Example: I woke up at about 3 this morning with a very sore throat. Started treating myself immediately with hydrogen peroxide spray to the throat. Still had it somewhat at 7:00. More HP in ears nose and throat. Probably 2 more doses of HP during the day. A huge dose of vitamin D, and a big dose of zinc with quercitin. 2 grams of C every hour or so. ( saving the ivermectin.) Tonight I have zero signs of a sore throat and the malaise that went with it. A very hot sauna might of helped as well.
Being able to annihilate a virus at will is only because of the good people who stepped forward with remedies in this time of fake crisis. I begrudgingly realize I would not have this knowledge if not for Covid.