2022 The Year in Review: Part 2 The war in Ukraine (David Collum)
Epic read but focuses on Ukraine and how we got there. Ties it all together
(May need to drag the link into your browser) Fully is your internet connection still down?
Epic read but focuses on Ukraine and how we got there. Ties it all together
(May need to drag the link into your browser) Fully is your internet connection still down?
Many commentators have touched upon the massive wealth transfer from We the People to various special interest groups. Today a perfectly good conversation got switched from the corruption in Government to “Did you see the World Cup Final?” Bread and Circus.
I was wondering how you read Dave’s YIR so fast yesterday.
You only caught the first part (from ZH).
I haven’t begun to read this part, as I’m still working on the tail end of part 1.
I find myself reflecting on all the embedded quotes he pulls in.
Yes our internet is stiil down