The Supreme Court Petition Set to Rock America – Brunson vs Adams et al – A Petition for Writ of Certiorari
Total. Media. Blackout.
This should come as little surprise for mainstream media outlets not covering the potentially seismic, landmark petition set in front of the nine Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”). But with “national emergency” language added to the second submission of the petition it begs the question relating to the alternative news outlets, such as Zero Hedge,, Breitbart, and The Gateway Pundit failing to cover this story—as of this writing Monday at 12 noon—that resides in the public domain.
why hasn’t anyone of them—or all of them—pounced on this story. It’s a petition that has the potential to rewrite the history of American politics like few other cases.
This means the ball is in the Supreme Court to act post haste. Since this isn’t a typical case per se before SCOTUS, no oral arguments will be heard. Instead, only four (4) Justices need to vote for the petition to be analyzed in case and constitutional review, according to several sources.
If the petition gets a green light from the Supreme Court, then the Justices will vote on whether to grant in favor of it or against it. Those implications are enormous.
Pass the Popcorn…good question…Why is there an Alt News Blackout ?
Here is another important question. Since the date stamp on the filing was October 20th and the receipt stamp from the court was Oct. 24th and the govt. chose not to respond to the petition on 11/24 why have we not heard about it before this? Like he wrote, it is not surprising that the MSM would black it out but does the fact that it has national security implications have anything to do with the alt media not reporting? Could it be the same BS like a FISA court where an object of an investigation doesn’t even get told such and every thing is secret.(totally unconstitutional) and no one is allowed to make it public?
Possibly being allowed to reach the SCOTUS so they can finally put it to rest. It will be decided in favour of the status quo. Everything happens for a reason.