When the election finally took place, in two rounds, on the 2nd and 30th of October, many statistically impossible anomalies emerged. For example, in many electronic voting machines, incumbent candidate Jair Bolsonaro obtained zero votes, even in regions where his popularity is very high. It was also noticed by the companies that carried out analysis of data obtained from the electoral system that older model machines, which had not been audited before the election, had a greater advantage for candidate Lula than the 2020 model, which had been audited. In these, Bolsonaro took advantage.

The Brazilian Constitution allows the Army to act in certain situations to restore law and order. All over the country, in cities where there are Army headquarters, people have been protesting and asking for help for over 40 days. In Brasilia, in front of the Army General Headquarters, the number of people camped is huge, and this weekend it received reinforcements from hundreds of thousands of people.

Bolsonaro’s silence, the Army’s movements and communiqués, and the growing increase in the population’s protests are leading people to believe that something is being prepared for the next few days or weeks, which can correct, or even cancel, the illegalities that occurred in the election and even before and after it. Lula da Silva’s election is perceived as a serious coup, totally irregular and illegal, and the Army, responding to the clamor of the population and to the President’s order, who according to the Constitution is the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, must carry out some type of intervention to restore law and order, as also required by the Constitution.
