I hardly know where to start with this post. And the subject might seem unimportant at first. But let’s leave that to the room to decide for themselves based on the mountains of video evidence rolling in lately about sudden deaths. Maybe others out there have noticed the same thing I am going to discuss. Trained Doctors have certainly not been commenting on this odd phenomenon.


OK, what this post is about is a thing called “Levine signs” or Levine Gestures. The term is named after a famed cardiologist and refers to an action that is so commonly associated with chest pains and heart attacks that its used as a reference point for signs of coronary distress. Here’s a helpful image:


What are the symptoms of pericarditis?

Pericarditis symptoms include chest pain that:

  • Is sharp and stabbing (This happens when your heart rubs against your pericardium).
  • May get worse when you cough, swallow, take deep breaths or lie flat.
  • Feels better when you sit up and lean forward.


But have you noticed that in almost all of the videos of athletes collapsing on the field and random people videotaped dropping dead after vaccinations that virtually none of them is ever seen clutching their chest? Instead what we see is a person just keeling over with one arm stuck straight out like a piece of stiff lumber or both arms totally limp like spagetti. The poor victims appear to die so fast in some cases that they often don’t even brace their own fall and we see them faceplant violently into hard pavement.


So what’s up with all the gaslighting? We are being told by an army of alt-truth doctors that many of these victims are dying of pericarditis or myocarditis. Heart attacks in other words. And its probably not necessary to say so but cardiac events are extremely painful. Chest clutching is one sign that informs us thats whats happening.

But what these people seem to be dying from is more like a switch being shut off in their brains.  Check a few sample videos for yourself. Are these really heart attacks? I am no doctor but I am positive we are being gaslit on this subject. You really cannot believe a word anyone says anymore.


Compilation. Nobody is clutching his chest. What gives?
