As expected the Italian constitutional court have decided that the unvaxxed MUST pay a fine and that lockdowns and vaccine passports were NOT uncostitutional.

Meloni said in order to be elected that she would have stop the fines to the unvaccinated, of course a mass of DUMB IDIOTS voted for her and now we are in a situation where both lockdowns and vaccine mandates and passports can be reinstated if some politics would want.

She is just another puppets that is forced to take orders from above.

What strikes me is that I keep reading about her like a bringer of freedom from many conservative people……unbeleviable!

she might even have some right ideas but then tptb won’t let her apply them.

Anyway now in Italy the ones that are not vaccinated must pay a fine that in itself is not that expensive (100 euro) but this would give life to a mechanism of which it is not known where it would end up.