The Cat Man Is having a blast with this .
He is a real Hoot ! But this is a serious battle going on here ! I think it’s ground ZERO regarding Free Speech
Here is his take !
The Cat Man Is having a blast with this .
He is a real Hoot ! But this is a serious battle going on here ! I think it’s ground ZERO regarding Free Speech
Here is his take !
Excellent commentary!
“they need to be the only ones speaking”
That goes for the whole lot of them, not just the MSM. Notice how stupid both Trudeau and Freeland appear when answering any sort of question. Their big “narrative” collapses whenever criticized or even questioned. Trudeau was even stupid enough to say that the Truckers Convoy didn’t have a permit to protest and was also illegally parked. You’d almost think he was making a joke.
The WEFers have been placed in political positions that they are not capable of holding onto themselves. Their best strategy is to avoid questions and when that fails just respond by playing a recorded message about how great electric cars are or “the most important thing right now is…”. In the old days the escape phrase was “no comment”.