You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to Quebec. You wish to milk the other, but the government will not permit it because you have not purchased an allotment from the milk marketing board(government). Eco warriors surround your barn protesting against the carbon pollution your cow emits. You shoot the cow because it’s more trouble than it is worth. You are charged with cruelty to animals, unlawful discharge of a weapon and illegal possession of an assault rifle(shotgun). You hire a lawyer to defend you. His retainer is sixty three thousand dollars. He tells you the case will resolve in approximately eighteen years at an estimated legal cost of six million dollars. The government confiscates the gun, the dead cow and your passport. You cut your wrists and bleed out. The government lists your death as a successful case of MAID(medical assistance in dying. AKA dying with dignity).
A Canadian corporation.
You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to Quebec. You wish to milk the other, but the government will not permit it because you have not purchased an allotment from the milk marketing board(government). Eco warriors surround your barn protesting against the carbon pollution your cow emits. You shoot the cow because it’s more trouble than it is worth. You are charged with cruelty to animals, unlawful discharge of a weapon and illegal possession of an assault rifle(shotgun). You hire a lawyer to defend you. His retainer is sixty three thousand dollars. He tells you the case will resolve in approximately eighteen years at an estimated legal cost of six million dollars. The government confiscates the gun, the dead cow and your passport. You cut your wrists and bleed out. The government lists your death as a successful case of MAID(medical assistance in dying. AKA dying with dignity).
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