Now, it’s greetings from Delhi, which is in Bangladesh

While in the check-in line, I struck up a conversation with a pretty woman. She happens to be Russian, from Sakhalin Island. We’ve talked about a bunch of stuff that indicates she would be a great addition to the Goldtent. She laughed when I asked if she got any shots and said, no way! Ditto on masks, as she says they’re bad for you. We talked a bit about politics. She said it’s obvious we think alike. The most insightful information she gave was when I asked what percentage of her friends got any shots, she said she has no Russian friends who got shots. When I told her most of my friends around the world did, including Americans, she was surprised. When I said the propaganda got them, her response was classic Russian: but of course.

Cheers, my friend.



Along with all the others, I stopped everything and watched the video you posted, so don’t you dare shut down Goldtent!

There’s too much I could say about the video and state of affairs, but will only say it really doesn’t matter what anyone else is/is not doing, as long as you are happy with how you are choosing to be. All the weak-kneed SOBs serve as great reminders of how I do not want to be, so I thank them for their service.

And, I thank you for your service.