First Alberta and now Saskatchewan
Appears that both Provincial Governments are charting a path that opposes The Turd. A resource based economy fighting back.
If BC cleaved off the woke Lower Mainland, the mood would be the same. Where does Manitoba stand with regards to protecting their economy. It may be time to change the relationship with the rest of Canada.
What an exciting time to be alive. I’ve always been an optimist. Turn a hardship into a win.
The Federal Government has done much damage to the economy, the mental and physical health of it’s citizens and has succeeded in dividing the country.
Saskatchewan will amend it’s constitution at the expense of the Feds. Good for them.
Outstanding. Did not know such smart politicians existed in Kanada. That’s three now – Alberta, Saskatchewan, and good old Pierre.
Boy, she sure sounds a lot like Putin
Wow…Love this…Tide is Turning
Politicians are emboldened by reading the room
Now that the fear porn has run its course …they are coming out and representing their constituents