another view on the shots
I found this video disturbing. Was planning to take my bicycle to Cuba and decided to cancel my trip. Maybe once we see all the perps going to jail it will be safe to travel again. Am I overly paranoid, maybe.
I found this video disturbing. Was planning to take my bicycle to Cuba and decided to cancel my trip. Maybe once we see all the perps going to jail it will be safe to travel again. Am I overly paranoid, maybe.
Lots of this extreme stuff being put out there now
I don’t believe any of it at this point I think it detrimental to our cause actually
Middle is just starting to come around…if they are subject to hear this shit they will be scared back into the ostrich position |IMHO
We need to stay focused on what is absolutely known for certain…There is enough of just that to scare and infuriate the Middle to join us .IMO
I am not saying we cannot be aware of these kinds of things …luciferase Magnetism snake venom brain eating spike proteins 5G and all the rest…BUT each of these needs to be proven by trusted sources before we believe them IMO again