A long read if you have the time.

If you read the full article you will notice the author refers to the  “unprovoked and unjustified attack on the Ukraine”.  Mainstream thinking at play.  I ignored it.

In summary by 2035 when Governments are expecting to phase out most ICE  vehicle production:

-there will not be an adequate supply of the minerals required for the batteries  (recycling has it’s challenges)

-the power supply will be inadequate to power the expected EVs

-the increased  costs of the materials will drive the cost of owning an EV beyond the ability of the average person

-the production of the EV batteries in China is powered by coal.  How green is that?  It’s not.  EV’s create more damage than ICE.

His solution was to encourage improved ICE fuel performance and to encourage Hybrid vehicles that recharge the battery to some extent.

A shooting war with China, puts the acquisition of EV batteries in the West on hold.  Even without a war, we may not be supplied with batteries.  Will we become dependant on China for EV Batteries the same as the EU was dependant upon Russia for the cheap and abundant Nat Gas and oil?
