I’m not saying that they can’t do a lot of damage trying.  Never underestimate how much a bureaucrat can screw-up a perfectly good system.  Bureaucrats have unlimited funds (yours) to propose pie in the sky bizarre pipe dreams that the Productive people  of the world know will not work.  They likely tried them already but moved on to a more efficient and cost effective solution that works.

If pressed for time go in at 3;30 to 9:20.   You may only require a two minute watch until you see the chart  (freeze the frame) that shows the years of current production of the important minerals that will be required to go off a carbon-based energy economy.  Strange that silver is not listed, solar panels.

Becoming energy efficient, recycling as much as we can and utilizing electricity to power mass transit in urban areas (wired not batteries) is laudable and I’m all for it.   At this point in time the technology is not there for batteries and going off carbon-based energy cold turkey.    I am sure the day will come.  There are a lot of new discoveries happening every year.  Won’t happen overnight or even in a decade.

My neighbour has a Tesla (5 years old).   In the Winter he can just make it down the mountain to the city and back on a charge.  His range suffers when the temps go below -10 C for weeks on end.  A long distance trip takes multiple charges depending upon temps and distance.  Lots of charging options now but I can make the trip in half the time in my efficient ICE car.

The chart in the video clearly states that we can not transition to EV’s, solar and wind in a major way.  Not with the present technology.  The Greenies conveniently forget the lifecycle of these green technologies.  10-15 years and most of the above require a major overhaul and face uncertain end of use recycling.

Oh, I forgot they may come close to achieving their goals if we lost 3/4 of humanity over the next 8 years.