Canada now appears positioned for a renewed focus on freedom. There has been a lot of ink spilled attempting to understand the dynamics that saw Pierre Poilievre win the Conservative leadership race on the first ballot with an impressive majority. I think it’s simple though: Poilievre’s key refrain on the campaign trail that he wants to give people back control over their own lives resonates with a very broad and diverse audience.

People would not have turned out for Poilievre’s rallies if he wasn’t saying something that didn’t speak to what was already floating around in the back of their minds. Freedom is a growing concern for Canadians.


Thanks Brian

It’s been a privilege for me to write for the Sun papers the past 12 years, but all good things must come to an end. This will be my last column, as I leave to pursue other ventures. Thank you to my colleagues and thank you to all the readers

Toronto Sun Anthony Fury

Interesting…one of the only main stream commentators who knows whats going on and is not afraid to say so….is leaving

Pushed ? or Voluntary ?