Repost…see first comment for update….comments ?

A reader sent this link which he got in an email this morning…here is his comment

Get a load of this Gary…the end is near…we will become Digital Slaves with only ” Good Little Sheeple” access

This popped up on my online RBC account this am:
Read the Q&A at the bottom….we’ll have NO Choice!!!!


If anyone is interested and understands this sort of language could you please critique these changes .

Is this the beginning of Digital banking ?

Here is my comment to the sender….


I am not qualified to understand or comment on what this all means

Banks often make changes to their protocols but this does seem like BIG changes

However how is this different from present banking options ?

All online banking is “digital” n’est pas ?

You can still walk into a branch and deposit or extract cash or do so by bank machine.

This is way above my pay grade to understand what changes have been made but on the surface I don’t see this as forcing you to do banking which has MORE surveillance than it does now

Even Now when you pay by any card…all transactions are known to the financial institution…but they cannot tell exactly what food you are buying at the grocery store or what products you buy…just the Store and Location…I don’t see a change there.

Something is UP though

Lets see if we can figure out what