Is the great cleanup starting? USA Today ran a revealing investigative story a couple weeks ago headlined, “Cashing In On Covid: USA Today Investigates Claims Against Companies That Profited In Pandemic.”

The article rounds up a series of related articles about state and federal investigations into pandemic “no bid” profiteering, where people who got government covid contracts under emergency authority are now having to account for where the money went.

And guess what? A lot of taxpayer money went right into people’s pockets. I know; shocking, right?

For now, the investigations are mostly into covid testing labs, the same ones who used absurdly-high PCR thresholds to inflate covid infection figures and keep the pandemic cash machine rolling — while keeping the rest of us locked down and masked up.

Here’s a list of headlines from USA Today’s linked articles:

“This Utah Startup Had No Public Health Experience, But GOP Governors Paid It $219M For Questionable Covid Tests.”

“Timeline: How An Upstart Utah Company Made Millions Off Covid-19 Tests.”

“Utah Firms Gave $1M To GOP After Getting No-Bid Covid-19 Contracts.”

“How Pop-Up Coronavirus Test Sites And Labs Capitalize On Lax Regulations.”

“They Got Rich Off ‘Covid Money’ And Flaunted It. Now They’re Under Investigation.”

“Covid-19 Testing Chain Amassed Fortunes Amid Betrayal Of Trust: Lawsuit.”

If the references to GOP governors and states troubles you, don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of these cases in the blue states, too, you’ll see. They just won’t get as much corporate media coverage.

And if you ever wondered why the RINOs jumped right behind the pandemic madness — I didn’t — this is your explanation.

Covid was the biggest cash grab in human history. And I really believe that — sooner rather than later — we WILL ultimately crawl all the way up the chain, right up to the big pharma execs who snatched generational wealth from citizens, by selling dangerously defective snake oil to 70% of the first world’s population using no-bid government contracts.

Trust the greed process. There’s blood in the political water. The lower-level sharks are already circling around all that new generational wealth money, and the feeding frenzy could start anytime.