“Global News is “on the brink,” an executive with the country’s number three television network yesterday told a Senate hearing. The assessment came despite millions in federal subsidies and a 38 percent profit margin in TV: “We can no longer do this alone.””

“We can no longer do this alone,” and needing “measures” to “support” the news is Global’s way of saying that since Canadians aren’t consuming enough of their content, they want the government to force you to give them your money.

Simply put, Global News feels entitled to financial survival, yet they were glad to stand by and watch other businesses collapse.

When over 50,000 small businesses collapsed during government-imposed lockdowns and restrictions, the establishment press had little to say.

They didn’t defend those companies, and they didn’t denounce the governments that destroyed them.

Instead, they often demonized those companies, and promoted the propaganda line of the increasingly-authoritarian Liberal government.

As those in power claimed “we’re all in this together” even as they exempted themselves from the pain of Canadians, the establishment press gave them a free pass.

This arrogance and entitlement is made worse by the fact that Global News has been so hell-bent on destroying Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party. They have largely turned themselves into servants of the Trudeau Liberal government
