Better To CRASH Before The Election Than After
Things appear to be setting up for an 1987 type stock market crash. While markets and history rarely repeat they do often rhyme. As I have pointed out previously, stock market crashes(as rare as they actually are) tend to occur after falling for six weeks from a market top. Of course the August top wasn’t an all time high but the top of the summer rally. If we are going to crash in early October it should help cement the Republican landslide that this country desperately needs to stop the destruction being carried out by the Democrap Administration and Congress. The witch hunt by Biden against anyone questioning his legitimacy probably won’t stop, but if Republicans get control of Congress they can stop anymore harmful legislation, cut off funding for administration boondoggles and start investigations into everything that has gone on the last two years. The country is in for some tough times the next two years even if the Republicans do win, but it will be nothing, compared to what we are in for, if they don’t!
With you on most of that.
Your early Oct crash might already be underway.
I believe it is. The market falls for 5-6 weeks and then the final crash comes in either week 6 or more likely 7.
Surprising ..If the Democraps are the best cheaters in the world how come they cant Fix the CPI Print ?
There is NOTHING more damaging to the Incumbents than a High CPI Print
It would be extremely odd to get two crashes so close together in time. Last one was 2 1/2 years ago but I am not surprised by anything anymore.
You are correct about real crashes not happening so close. The 2020 drop from the Covid lockdown is not a real crash in the historical sense. Yes, it did fall by at least as much as past ones but it was a true black swan event more like 911.
OK. Black Swan event for the Average Joe but not the Pelosi’s of the world.
Even if the republicans win, we are in for some extremely hard times. Hard like the Great Depression hard. Think in terms of having enough to eat.
You cannot trust the republican establishment. They will vote for anything if they are paid enough, stroked enough, conned enough. We need an entire congress of Trumps, Desantis’s, Kari Lakes, etc etc. We have some there, but not nearly enough.
can’t trust Cruz, can’t trust McCarthy, McConnell, Lindsay Graham – all of who are NOT up for re-election. how do you broom them out, remove them from power???
Best to have guns, ammo, gold and booze. In that order. Maybe some weed thrown in
or Thune or Romney or Collins or Murkowski or …….
+1. There are Plenty of establishment republicans that aren’t up to the task. All of the above mentioned and more.
Too far gone already I think. Rand Paul seems to be the only one who might be trustworthy. So I hope for a Trump/Paul ticket but I really think at this point it’s hopeless.