Things appear to be setting up for an 1987 type stock market crash. While markets and history rarely repeat they do often rhyme. As I have pointed out previously, stock market crashes(as rare as they actually are) tend to occur after falling for six weeks from a market top. Of course the August top wasn’t an all time high but the top of the summer rally. If we are going to crash in early October it should help cement the Republican landslide that this country desperately needs to stop the destruction being carried out by the Democrap Administration and Congress. The witch hunt by Biden against anyone questioning his legitimacy probably won’t stop, but if Republicans get control of Congress they can stop anymore harmful legislation, cut off funding for administration boondoggles and start investigations into everything that has gone on the last two years. The country is in for some tough times the next two years even if the Republicans do win, but it will be nothing, compared to what we are in for, if they don’t!