For two years the British National Health Service transformed itself into the National Covid Service. Now the party is over and 1 in 8 people in England are waiting for hospital treatment.


Mass containment, along with mass vaccination, will go down in history as the worst and most wrong-headed policy of the entire postwar era. It did nothing against the virus and exacerbated a whole range of harms it was supposed to prevent. Who can read these stories today, and not either die laughing or weep bitter tears at all that vintage 2020 moral concern trolling, about how our hospitals would “melt down” unless we closed everything? Far from saving British hospitals, two years of intermittent restrictions and exaggerated hospital isolation procedures have put the NHS in “critical condition.” There are people in England, right now, who are dying waiting for care, direct victims of crush-the-curve modellers like Neil Ferguson and techbro geniuses like Tomas Pueyo. We’ll be living with the consequences of this wanton insanity for the rest of our lives.