From JC Again…This guy is the KING of Sarcasm…Gotta Love it !
Californians are wondering if it’s possible to fire the entire state government this week, after last week’s advisory not to charge their electric cars for a while, after repeated “Amber alert” style warnings on their phones titled “Emergency alert: severe,” advising them to conserve energy for SAFETY — in other words, the psyops continue — and most appallingly, after learning that the power companies in Texas and Colorado have been stealthily adjusting people’s “free” smart-thermostats behind their backs — and then LOCKING THEM DOWN.
You read that right. Many consumers have Google’s NEST thermostats, which were given to them “for free” by their power companies to get a teeny-tiny discount or rebate or something. In Texas, people didn’t even get a rebate, they just got “entered in a sweepstakes to win a $5,000 credit” toward their power bill. Suckers! There’s one born every minute. Look how many voted for Biden, for instance.
The problem seems to be that the fine print in the terms and conditions of service allow the power companies take over your thermostat and decide FOR YOU what the temperature in your house should be. They can — and HAVE — lock the thermostat so you can’t move it back. After their thermostats wondrously adjusted THEMSELVES up to 78 degrees — which is even hot down here in Florida — here’s what 22,000 Coloradans saw on their cool little internet-connected NEST screens:
Emergency! It’s a magic word, like “abracadabra” or “crucio” from Harry Potter. If you wave your hands and say “emergency!”, you can do anything. Even fly. But mostly you can force your fellow citizens to be extremely uncomfortable till they do whatever you want. Worst of all, these programs have quietly crept into the fine print in a whole bunch of states, including California.
Right now, it says you can “opt-out.” Good luck. But you know what comes NEST, I mean next.
If you don’t have a NEST, for heaven’s sakes do not get one. Don’t fall for it! If you were even THINKING about getting a NEST, go wash your eyeballs with rubbing alcohol, and stop it, right now. If you DO have a NEST, you should upgrade it immediately to a 1950’s-style dialed-up version. Just be sure to not to talk about removing NEST beforehand, at least not in hearing distance of the thing, and when you do carve it out, use thick rubber gloves and eye shields to defeat the electric self-defense systems.
Now I think about it, you might just want to eschew ALL “internet connected” devices until we get a better government. Why do light bulbs need to be connected to the internet anyways?
Seriously, though, NEST must fail as a brand because of this. Sorry, Google. We need to boycott these “smart devices” now, before they become mandates. NEST should have provided a button to opt-out right from the cute little screen, not refer you to an unresponsive email address. But it’s obviously designed for mandates.
Anyway, Californians are seriously un-gruntled about all the new “emergency” power regulations. They’re fretfully musing about how the state government has shut down the nuclear plants, gambled billions on pitiful solar and wind systems, mandated electron-guzzling electric cars, and wound down several perfectly functional natural gas plants, but now they can’t even make enough power to run a window a/c unit.
CALIFORNIA: We’re now in a Flex Alert. What does that mean? We all need to conserve as much energy as possible during this record breaking heatwave. Here’s what to do until 9pm tonight: – Set thermostats to 78 – Turn off unnecessary lights – Avoid using large appliances
September 7th 2022
Believe me, Californians are painfully aware that ALL gas cars will be banned in their state just seven years from now. They’re starting to realize that they haven’t seen ANY official analysis of exactly how much power the Golden State will need to run all those electric cars during the middle of the summer. Why wouldn’t the elite officials and their experts calculate that particularly helpful figure? Seems like political malpractice. How many new wind turbines will the state need? Will there be ANY birds left? Worst come to worst, doesn’t it take years and years it take to build a new nuclear plant?
And if they can shut down your thermostat … can they shut down your electric car? Just asking.
Meanwhile in Europe