You really can’t make this stuff up. I’m just going to copy the headline in here, or you’ll think I’m exaggerating:
click to enlarge
Now that’s bold. You have to hand it to them. They just added “joy” to the growing list of everyday experiences that can suddenly kill you — but only by a heart attack, stroke, or blood clot. And it’s not some kind of super life-changing joy. It just the joy from seeing one semester’s report card.
It really adds a whole new dimension to the expression, “overjoyed.”
I’d really like to mock this UK Mirror article into oblivion, but I have committed to refrain from humor when reporting these tragic SADS deaths. As much as I can.
? The death-from-joy article is really a two-fer. Because of the similarities to Mubarak’s case, the Mirror cited an Indian news report from March, about a student who died from a heart attack after being told she was in the wrong exam room and would have to run to the correct room and start over. They blamed the test proctor:
Scribble test proctors onto the list. But in all seriousness, it seems these young people’s hearts are giving out from any little kind of stress at all. For some reason.
If a few young journalists died, I would say it is plausible to blame embarrassment as the cause rather than the jabs.