Pass the Popcorn
From J C
The Daily Wire reported on Senator Paul’s committee hearings on gain of function research yesterday in an article headlined, “In ‘Damning’ Capitol Hill Testimony, Scientists Contradict Fauci’s Claim That NIH Never Funded Gain-Of-Function Research.” Uh oh.
So-called doctor Anthony Fauci previously testified to Congress that the NIH never EVER funded gain of function research, no way, no how, what a perfectly ridiculous idea, how dare you. But the committee’s three witnesses yesterday all testified to the EXACT OPPOSITE.
They didn’t mince words, either. Responding to a question from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), Rutgers University microbiologist Dr. Richard Ebright testified, “The statements made on repeated occasions to the public, to the press and to policymakers by the NIAID director, Dr. Fauci, have been untruthful. I do not understand why those statements are being made because they are demonstrably false.”
Senator Paul has taken the eminently reasonable position that if we have strict controls over exporting nuclear technology, we should also have similar strict controls over exporting other weapons of mass destruction like DNA manipulation technology. In other words, our gain of function research should have never been in a lab in Wuhan, China.
Who could argue with that?
Even if they prove he lied to Congress, this administration would never prosecute him. There will be no measures taken against him at all.
Anybody doubting that Fauci funded Gain of Function research should read “We are the Prey” by Dr. Briggins on Amazon kindle for a mere $3.31 – well worth the money spent. He cites through his many hyper links in the text all the research he did to uncover the truth of how Fauci used his connections to Gates and funding to extend research into this deadly area of study with China.
Fauci is a lying P.O.S. simple as that.