Ray from Away is a wonderful and highly valued Goldtent Contributor . You all have benefited from many of his findings . He is an unrelenting truth seeker .

Here is what he is dealing with out on the Island ( PEI)

Hi Gary . You may post this of course without the names above. As you know my wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April and chose not to go through chemo and have quality of life as long as possible. We contacted in home palliative care and nurse visits once a week with assessments and pain medication between our family doctor and a palliative care doctor with the hope of death at home. Finally, as of July 17 I realized it was beyond my ability to care for her and EMS Took her too the hospital which was filled in emergency and all the wards . Two days in emergency and finally a bed in a ward . Yesterday day a nurse came while I was there and said a respiratory tech was coming to do a covid test up in the nose. I asked what for ? ” you need one before transferring to palliative care and there is a chance that she would be moved tomorrow “. I explained everything thing to my wife so she would understand and we both said NO to their bogus test. Three nurses came and went and one told us the palliative care doctor was informed and stated the test was required to be moved. Not once in the last two years and months did we ever allow any test or shot after hundreds of hours of research. And we were right . So she will die in a ward bed likely, with her personal values and soul intact. Her grace and courage overwhelm me. NON OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF PEOPLE HAD JUST SAID NO. Ray. Her name is Marilyn