Stayed at a Provincial park that is obviously a way station to get from one place to the next.  Thus one night stay and they are gone.  I used it as a base myself to see Wells Gray and the area.  Roughly 60 sites.

So over three nights I spoke to at least 100 different families/persons as I would cycle around on my bike collecting  Saskatoon Berries in the evening to bring home for freezing, etc.

Also greeted most dogs that walked by.  Saw and heard some sad shot damage stories.  The saddest was a teen girl in an all terrain wheelchair.  Cool chair!  Big wheels.  She lost the use of her legs after the second shot.  Still has feeling but they just don’t move well but getting better.

She is in touch with other young and older people with the same in BC.  Some resolve some have not. This family was all for vaxxing.  NOT ANYMORE.

Met a former city firefighter.  Instead of fighting fires he’s on disability now fighting a non-resolvable leg clot after his second shot.  He had no thoughts about shots one way or the other before this happened.  He may never get another shot of any kind. He was almost in tears telling me his story.

Others told me of friends who had various adverse effects.  Again they may not be that common until it happens to you.  About half the people I spoke with had a story about someone. The rest were oblivious.  Is that what others here are finding?

All these people are angry and bitter.  The medical community still tells them it’s not the shots.  The Specialist told the Mom, of the teenager, that it’s not the shot and suggested he wouldn’t treat her if they persist in believing that.  Disgusting!

Dr Bonnie where ever she is, has created a whole new generation of vaccine hesitant people. Likely good.  All of these people who spoke to me about adverse effects know about the WEF and all it’s glory. Once one does research, it’s all there.

The truth is out there.


If The Turd does call a snap election this fall, we need to spread the word far and wide about how he is destroying our country.  A traitor.  I just hope to hell the Conservatives aren’t controlled opposition.  The WEF has deeply infiltrated Canada.

I tell people that The Turd’s goal (not his idea) is a Global Digital ID that will eventually limit the amount of Carbon you consume.  Less travel by air, not driving ICE vehicles and will be eating “interesting” foods. Crowd us into the cities to make us dependant upon government.  I believe BC has the highest Carbon Taxes in Canada, possibly the world.  They are so effective that our carbon footprint has increased since they were rolled out (sarc).  Useless.

Pollution is our number one environmental problem.  Since most “things” are made cheaply and poorly we are throwing out gadgets yearly in some cases. Landfilling it.  That needs to stop.   If you ever go to estate sales and can pick up stuff made in North America prior to the 80’s, they tend to last. Better metal.  There’s no circuit board and can be repaired with a few basic skills that we all should learn.

My rant for the day.