The 20% Solution
Over the last six weeks for silver and five weeks for gold, they have both experienced approximately 20% declines. That is absurd given the inflationary, geopolitical and economic environment we are in. We know silver usually moves both up and down by a significant amount more than gold, when these wild swings occur. (I believe the fact that it hasn’t this time tells us how under valued it is, evidenced by the ridiculous level of the GSR.) If the criminal banksters haven’t cleared the decks by now, they never will! Let me repeat that sentence so you can understand what it means. If the criminal banksters haven’t cleared the decks by now, they never will! That means either they will get away with their manipulation scheme forever, so forget about gold and silver, forever, or the stage has been set for the next leg of the gold and silver bull market. I first learned about and got interested in gold and silver in the early 1970’s. Where was it then and what has it done since? The banksters can win many battles, but gold and silver eventually, win the war.
Amen CM
Manipulation is a 2 way street. Pump and dump comes to mind. Mark Dice cannot give away huge bars of silver so do you think the street peeps are manipulating it too ? NOBODY wants it, simple as can be. Take 10 OZs of gold and proceed thru your local airport as you flee for safety and see what happens. Are the bankers controlling my GLD account too. There is obviously no demand for the doorstop.
…in the early 1970s? I first learned to read in the early 1970s!