Martin Armstrong’s take

In a meeting between Belarus and Russia, the leaders concluded that NATO intends to invade Russia. There is no doubt that NATO’s constant aggression moving toward Russia is threatening the entire world and the end result may be a nuclear war. NATO has been pushing the world toward war. They did lie and violate all the promises of 1991. I have the notes and they did promise Russia they would not move East. They have done that every chance they get. NATO has no purpose if there was actually peace. They need war and are pushing for that with every breath they take.

Then to create and accelerate World War III, they formally declared that China is the enemy and represents a security threat for the first time. NATO which is supposed to be about Europe has now taken on the mantle of the entire world. NATGO has warned that Beijing’s ambitions and coercive behavior is a major challenge to NATO’s interests. They have formally put all NATO forces on a war footing against Russia.

Throughout my entire life, it was the peacemakers who were honored. When Henry Kissinger said that Ukraine should withdraw and allow the Donbas to be a free state, Zelenisky responded that Ukraine will not yield one inch. There are no peacemakers today. All we have is warmongers beating the drums and cheering death and destruction over nothing. When Russia moved into Chechyna, the world criticized Russia. When the US-funded the civil war in Ukraine and cheered Ukraine’s invasion of the Donbas, the world cheered because they simply hate the Russian people.

I have been sent videos captured from Ukrainian Troops showing what they are doing to the Russian soldiers they capture. They are videoing nailing these people to the cross and then setting them on fire. I know Ukrainians on both sides. I know the personal hatred of Russians among those in Kyiv. If Russia withdrew, they would massacre every Russian in the Donbas and there is not a single Western agency that will ever report the truth. So sorry. I wish I did not know those in Kyiv. If they do not overthrow Zelensky, they are only inviting their own destruction.

Poland has broken ranks with the NATO member and told Ukraine that needs to come clean about its past. They killed over 100,000 Polish in addition to a similar amount of Jews and an unknown number of Russians during their Nazi era. Meanwhile, China is now warning other Asian states to be cautious that the US will use them as pawns as they are doing with Ukraine.

We Desperately need a peacemaker. But these people are listening to Schwab and pushing us to war so the United Nations can rise as the peacemaker and become the one-world government. This plan will fail. But in the process, they will cause a drastic reduction in world commerce and population.