As COVID Mania wanes, global ruling class tries to inject society with another booster shot of hysteria Will they succeed?
Call it what you want. Maybe it’s some kind of societal fatigue from repeated injections of hysteria programming. Or perhaps hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, are finally waking up to the reality that a seasonal respiratory illness is not really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
But the trend is clear: people have had enough of COVID Mania. They’re fed up. The global elites, who follow polling trends very seriously, have sounded the hysteria alarm, and it appears they’re going to attempt to inject another booster shot into waning virus concerns.
An Ipsos “What Worries The World” survey shows that very few respondents consider COVID-19 to be a major concern. That number was a striking 50% when published in February of last year.