Jeff Childers

Yesterday, in a short note, I reassured liberal C&C readers noting that to me, we are all on the same team — whatever you want to call it. Surprisingly, that remark generated the majority of yesterday’s comments. After some thought, I’m betting it resonated so much because it reflects a broader social realignment.

Someone commented that the labels “republican” and “democrat” don’t even matter anymore. They meant a lot of republicans are legacy RINOs who supported mandates and, rather than being principled and values-driven, are rudderless voids following the same corporate-media playbook as democrats.

I generally agree with that, but it’s even bigger. There was a halcyon time before 2020 when we could afford to think of the world in terms like “republicans versus democrats versus libertarians versus greens.” Those traditional parties are gone now, even if most folks can’t see it yet. Now, there are only two teams: human beings and globalist kleptocrats.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a “republican” or a “democrat.” Either way you lose, badly, if the WEF/WHO/UN/CDC/FDA/NIH/WB/Gates/Soros team wins. Unfortunately, and I really mean it’s unfortunate, the democrat party is now 100% owned by the WEF+ team. Republicans are a mixed bag; and we still have a viable chance to replace a lot of the bad Liz Cheney-like ones. That’s why the Republicans are our last, best hope.

Replacement won’t fix the democrat party right now. It can’t. There’s no bench of pro-freedom democrat candidates left anywhere to replace the current ones with. And even if they did pop up somewhere, the machine would snap online and grind them into bits.

Call it what you want, but we’re all on the same team now. Some people just don’t know it yet, but they will, hopefully before it’s too late. I think it WILL happen; I think it is already happening. It’s just hard to tell because corporate media has been WEFfed and they don’t report on their own losses