
Jeff Childers explains

? The New York Times ran an op-ed last week titled, “Lockdowns Protected Older People. But at What Cost to the Health of Young Adults?” The op-ed refers to a new study examining excess non-covid deaths, and concluding that lockdown restrictions caused at least +170,000 deaths among young people aged 18-64.

Thanks, experts!

In the excess group, adults under 45 who died from non-covid causes now outnumber covid deaths in the same age range. “Drugs, homicides, traffic fatalities, and alcohol-induced causes killed tens of thousands more young adults than they had in the past,” the study says. “Deaths from various circulatory diseases and diabetes were also elevated.”

In other words, lockdowns have now killed more people under 45 than covid did.

They researchers concluded, “All of this suggests that large and sustained changes in living habits designed to avoid a single virus had not only ‘economic’ opportunity costs, but also cost a shockingly large number of young lives.”

The people who engineered this disaster — public health experts — have never admitted their mistakes or taken ANY responsibility for them. That makes public health experts extremely dangerous.

But it gets worse.

? ZeroHedge ran a story yesterday that got me thinking. The story’s headline was “The Economic Meltdown Has Roots In Lockdown.” It mentioned last week’s news that the European Central Bank said it will act “soon” against inflation. Something seemed missing.

You know what fact isn’t really discussed anywhere in all the inflation stories in corporate media? It’s the fact that inflation is not just a US phenomenon. It’s affecting nearly the entire world. But why is that?

ZeroHedge’s article included a fascinating — and kind of terrifying — graph:

The graph shows the increase in the money supply, which is the higher, giant iceberg-looking part, called “M2,” and inflation, the lower, darker line, measured by the consumer price index (CPI). The implication is that inflation will eventually have to even out with the money supply.

So in other words, we aren’t anywhere CLOSE to equilibrium yet.

There’s no way to avoid a LOT more inflation. Raising interest rates will only flatten the curve. It’s going to be brutal, so get ready. But remember: there’s no need to panic, especially when we know it’s coming. Just be ready. We’ll all be fine, but it’s going to hurt. Remember, our grandparents survived the Great Depression. Which was also caused by government economic policy. But I digress.

The bottom line is: LOCKDOWNS CAUSED THIS. Look at the dates on the graph. The money supply started ballooning around March 2020. It was pandemic policy. They don’t even deny it. Yesterday, lunatic moron Shelia Jackson Lee said, “The President was a genius in putting forth the American Rescue Plan that saved people from absolute despair and disgrace, if you will.” Biden, the genius.

Biden’s genius has now caused consumer confidence — the best predictor of whether the economy will grow or shrink — to fall to an ALL TIME LOW. Ever. Like, ever ever:

How could this happen? With all this money that was printed and spread around? Everybody got PPP checks, right? That’s true, but it wasn’t free money. It made ALL the money less valuable. The free money cost far more than whatever we got. This bizarre act of self-destruction was rocket-fueled by the “experts,” all in the name of Science!, all while they were in charge using their unilateral, undemocratic emergency authority.

In other words: PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERTS DID THIS. This was all THEIR idea, facilitated by amoral public officials. The experts said it would save lives and wouldn’t hurt anything. Serious economic problems always lead to serious social unrest, among other problems. Thanks, experts.

I’m starting to think the entire global public health establishment needs to be completely dismantled before those idiots kill or beggar us all. Who’s with me?