Will The Media Be Reporting This With The Same Enthusiasm As The Fatal Shootings?
You can bet that most won’t even report it. Even those that do will have a brief report and move on, never to be discussed again. Because it doesn’t fit one of their chosen narratives, gun control. This story once again proves, that the more citizens who have weapons and are allowed to carry them legally, the less likely the nut jobs that kill innocents, will be successful in their attempts to do so. It isn’t a gun problem, it is a mental health problem. The DEMS and Slow Joe are too stupid to understand and or admit that. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/law-abiding-west-virginia-woman-concealed-firearm-stops-mass-shooting
Thanks for the post. It is surely happening out there, but as you say, the media never prints it. I would love to see some statistics on how many home robberies/invasions are stopped every year by legal gun owners.
These IDIOTS think that keeping guns from the innocent will deter the Maniacs
If someone wants to be a mass murderer will he go to buy a gun and be denied and say…oh well…thats that guess I’ll chill
Guns are Out there in the US and always will be …The only deterrent is all these soccer mons and dads who are carrying
Glad you posted this!