From Jeff Childers

What an amazing covid coincidence! Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “White House Prepares To Ration Vaccines As Covid Funding Impasse Looms.” Stay with me here.

Politico explained that “a painful and foreboding reality is setting in for the White House as it enters a potentially dangerous stretch of the Covid fight: It may soon need to run its sprawling pandemic response on a shoestring budget.” Painful, foreboding, dangerous, sprawling, shoestring. Politico nearly wrote a poem about it.

First of all, the White House doesn’t run ANYTHING on a shoestring budget. That’s just a way to blame this on Republicans. To reinforce whose fault it is, Politico quoted an anonymous staffer who said, “inaction in Congress is already forcing difficult and unnecessary compromises that have dire consequences for the American people.” Dire ones.

Removing all the overheated rhetoric, the gist of the story was that because of Republican obstructionism, the mRNA vaccines may have to be reserved only for people who are at high-risk of covid.

None of it makes sense. Republican obstructionism? Please. The dems run the House! That’s a dumb excuse. But they’re running with it:

So, politics as usual. But consider the TIMING for a second.

We are within two weeks of the FDA’s rationing Johnson & Johnson for the most at-risk — for safety, citing the threat of ultra-rare blood clots. Now the White House is signaling it might ration the other vaccines too, this time citing poverty and obstinate Republicans. Different explanations, same result.

Budget limits doesn’t make any sense either. Biden literally JUST promised to vaccinate the WHOLE WORLD about ten minutes ago. They’re scaring up $40B for Ukraine. Now they suddenly can’t afford jabs for Americans?

And all of this right behind the similar J&J safety lockdown. Makes you think.

A cynical person might suggest the budget limit claim is just an excuse to remove the jabs from the market without admitting there’s anything wrong with them. Sure, they’re still available to at-risk people, but that just proves there’s nothing wrong with them, and jab injuries are harder to see in at-risk people, because any strokes, clots, or death can be blamed on their comorbid conditions.

Politico is upset that the jabs might dry up, and so it’s HOPING FOR a covid comeback to force congress to cough up the dough. I am not making that up. The article suggests longingly, IN WRITING, that “with little ability left to force Senate Republicans’ hand, there’s growing fear that perhaps the only way to keep the Covid response alive will be for Covid itself to swamp the nation in infections once again.”

The geniuses at Politico don’t seem to get the irony of hoping for the thing they want to avoid in order to get the thing that would prevent the solution, if you follow me. Dummies.