Notice how almost unlimited financial foreign assistance for arms occurs at the expense of programs to help the truly needy in the home country.   They first tried the enormous spending on Covid and the shutting down of small businesses.  It’s all about destruction.

Once the currencies collapse through no longer being able to support the interest on the debt, the push towards one world currency is on.   Unlimited printing of UBI, etc.  Bonds will not need to be floated.  You do need to eliminate competing currencies though before a Global currency will work.  It goes without saying that Russia stands in the way of this goal.  I have no idea if China is on board with the Build Back Better plan.  They are doing a great job all by themselves destroying their economy.   It’s painfully obvious with Zero Covid.  They are assisting the worldwide collapse of trade.

Castreau is spending like a drunken sailer who just got his paycheque.  He’s supporting causes that have low return, like the war.

Soon the Carbon and income taxes will rise in a half-hearted attempt at fiscal recovery.  They are planned to further destroy our economies as the average person succumbs to high inflation, energy and food costs.  UBI will be an easy sell to the great unwashed.