W.H.O. issues Global Alert about new form of Severe Hepatitis affecting Children
Pfizer study suggests Covid Vaccine to blame
The World Health Organisation has issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) with an unknown cause affecting previously healthy children in the UK, Spain and Ireland.
This has prompted the UK Health Security Agency has announced that it has launched an urgent investigation.
With all three countries now offering and administering the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to children as young as 5; with the UK quietly granting the jab emergency use approval for use in children aged 5 to 11 in December 2021, this is the very first place they should be looking.
Because Pfizer’s own study proves that the mRNA jab accumulates in the liver causing hepatitis.
Child sacrifice to appease their “Gods”, is now accepted as ok
Public socialized health is now a woke cult