Buying and selling Silver maples
From Kitco (USD): Silver spot price $25.66 /oz
Buy from Kitco $34.62
Sell to Kitco $25.41 (Is their price always under spot)
Quite the spread. Is this normal? If I bought it would be for the long-term hold. If one had to sell in a few months and price has not changed, it would be a huge loss.
I have not bought from Kitco before. Huge premium at the moment.
Thats ridiculous
But I guess they don’t need to buy from the pubic…they pay similar price ( spot) from the mint
Shop around but the premiums have been steadily rising so don’t think you will do much better than a dollar less. As far as selling you may find some local coin dealers who will pay just above spot because they know they can turn around and sell them for the similar inflated premiums to their regular customers. Hopefully you won’t need to sell in the near future. After the breakout you won’t have any trouble getting much higher prices.
That’s why I haven’t been buying physical silver these last few years. Premiums are too high.
On the topic of CAN silver – what does the local 80% coinage cost per FV. Here in the states it’s gone from $14.50 USD Q4 2021 to $16.40 most recently at LCS (not online). My favorites are silver dollars and half dollars.