You have got to be kidding!!! Sick building Syndrome much??
I honestly cannot believe some of the things I’m reading about the pandemic…seriously concerning. Sick Building Syndrome has been around forever but instead of changing building codes/designs for more ventilation, they made building tighter and tighter in the name of energy efficiency..Open you windows my friends!!
Open a window and let the covid out…brilliant
They are running out of things to talk about
Seriously – I need to remember that and my blood pressure 🙂
The MSM feels compelled to explain to their idiot followers why they aren’t feeling so well, or WTF myocarditis is, or maybe what is going on with the health of young athletes. Shows that the narrative needs to be fed otherwise it dies. Oh, and yet another ‘Syndrome’ – if they name it, it must be a THING, can we have pureblood syndrome. Thanks for sharing GLG!