and FU again
WW 3 ?
For me now WW3 is Parents and Grand Parents against LGBTQFU and its ubiquitous position in our Public School Systems .
I just spoke to a young lady teacher ( she is a rover…moves from school to school and fill in where others are on mat leave or sick
Here is what she said….Teaches in Ontario of Course .
1…She is uncomfortable with it by she must teach grade 4 and older “Gender Studies”
2….Up until recently they DID teach this bullshit in K – Gr3 in both school systems …Catholic ( sacre bleu) and Public .
3…She presently teaches Grade 6 and when teaching gender studies she surveyed the class in “secret” ballots and 50% do not identify with their Binary Gender !
AND she notes these tend to be the “Cool” Kids…some of them the top “Influencers” amongst their peers
4…She hates it bet rarely speaks of it because of Job INSECURITY !
I had a long talk with my stepson and he is now clued in…Thanks To Disney !! He has | 7 year old and he will now become an advocate for parental Rights ( Should that even be in question ? )
Speaking to some Liberal locals ..they too are shocked at Disney’s Position in the Groomgate Travesty.
They all believe there are 2 ( TWO ) Genders.
This LGBTQFU “Clan” is a Minority and it is now becoming more apparent there are many of them who are disproportionately mentally ill are in positions or “POWER” in many Woke Corporations
The Pendulum has swung as far LEFT as it can and now we see the BOTTOM is IN on this shit !
But the real AWAKENING is in those who Have always all in on Children’s safety from sexual opportunism from the Very Large Group of Sexual pervert deviants…many who Identify as LGBTQFU
For me personally ( And I think most people i know) Gay Men Lesbian Women Bisexual and Straight are all preferences which can be chosen by any individual and will always be respected as such.
BUT preaching Gender Fluidity in Kids and all the Gender Confusion these clans are promoting is not something to be respected. The Insanity has to stop…NOW )
Thank you Disney ! It’s amazing that Woke Ontario revoked the teaching of this crap and there was NO Disney like Pushback…
I think the Public Schools should stay the hell out of the Sex Business completely.
Learning about sexual issues comes from life Not from Sexually Deviant Libtard teachers
Its notable that these types have ALL the important positions in the Biden Admin .
To Arms !
PS… You are Free to choose your sexual status of course without fear of repercussions and You are also free to choose your vaccine status .
Remember the nature vs. nurture argument in defense of homosexual behavior – “it’s just how someone is”. Not so any more.