CATS …for Mamare
Fist of all thanks so much for the overwhelming number of condolences for Capone .
I just took him in for cremation…tears flowing of course .
Heart warming to see so much understanding of what it means to lose a close friend..even if as many would say… it’s just a bird .
Mamare asked to see some of my cats .
These 3 were born in our house …all Boys
L to R
Brutus passed at 17… 2021
Ceasar passed at 16…..2020
Cicero….still thriving at 18
I know you are Italian Mamare so…When in Rome 🙂
Thanks for asking
Beautiful and majestic!
Thank you Fully!!!!
Finally on the tent we can see three majestic creatures after too many pics of biden trudeau draghi and assorted “human” garbage !
They really looks like emperors
Marco Bruto (Brutus)
Giulio Cesare (Caesar)
and Marco Tullio Cicerone (Cicero)
All your 3 cats have reached important ages for a cat, let’s hope Cicero can stay with you for A LONG TIME ^..^