The English Faucis Are Even Worse Than The American Ones
Incredibly, they have been wrong on everything… for twenty years…
Most Americans have had a bellyful of the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institutes of Health bureaucrat who upended society in the name of flawed or absent research in the name of conquering COVID.
It turns out he’s not sui generis, or even a bug in bad system — he’s just a feature…….the Imperial College of London is kind of a Fauci cubed, based on its constant fear-mongering and bad research models. The college, unably headed by Dr. Neil Ferguson, wields power in inverse proportion to its competencies. And that power includes even the U.S.
It turns out that this group has been wrong on pretty much every infectious disease it’s ever made pronunciamentos about, at least over the past 20 years. Their formula has been to declare a public health emergency every time a new illness strikes, forecast monster death numbers, and demand huge disruptions from lockdowns and other measures until they get what they want.