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Russia is now demanding that Europe pay for gas in rubles.
Europe gets 40% of its gas from Russia. That’s 200-800 million euros per day.
Putin is basically saying: you want to play sanctions? Either pay up in rubles or freeze.
— Richard Medhurst (@richimedhurst) March 23, 2022
Thanks for sharing Sir Goldleared
You are past learner now ! 🙂
I still maintain it is NOT a Real measure of the Dollar
It mostly (60%) measures against the Euro
So anything that hurts the Dollar and Hurts the Euro would be a wash !
Personally from all I read Europe is Toast so Capitol will frow from there to the USA
This move by Putin will strengthen the Ruble against the Euro …they need to sell Euros to buy Rubles to pay for the Oil
Also will weaken the Dollar as Europe need not buy Dollars to buy Oil.
Thats my take but i have very litte understanding of what drives currencies.
All I know iw the Euro is on its death bed ( chart wise ) vs the DXY
Oil is less than 10% of world trade so not much effect