Tired of fighting. Maybe it’s time to go
Sigh. Well, we all knew that Castreau and Singh had agreed to work together but it seems it’s now “official”. Having the difficult discussion this morning about what to do. Ya, the Conservatives are going to fight this. Ya, many sheeple are finally waking up. Ya, there’s another election in 2025. Point is, I’m not getting any younger and I’m tired of waking up in the middle of the night wondering what the arrogant little shithead and his minions are going to do next.
For those of us who are retired, it’s not simply a matter of “leave all your stuff and just get the hell out ASAP”. I mean, let’s be realistic; we need money to live on and none of us want to eke out an existence living on welfare.
My thought, and I could be wrong, is nothing will change overnight. We probably have until the summer before the dictator declares anything overly drastic. Taking forever to get documentation for UK passport and then there’s a wait time for that too.
As an alternative, it seems temporary Mexican residency is easy to achieve; one just has to prove sufficient income to live on. I know that some of you “know of” people who have hired private jets to get there. Am wondering if any Canadian residents here on the forum are seriously thinking of doing this. That is, leaving, via private jet, and moving there at least temporarily (maybe until the arrogant little shithead somehow gets defeated at his own game?)
I did not want to do this and have held on in hope thus far. But can’t do this for the next 3 years. Please Canadians, post what your plans are if any. Everyone else, please refrain from comments to the effect of telling us how screwed we are. We all know it and have fought the good fight.
I have been keeping an eye on Paraguay as a cheap option B. Belize also has some nice benefits.
Paraguay Foreign investment scheme
Here Are the Top 13 Reasons To Live in Belize
Nomad Capitalists is a decent youtube channel to spend an evening watching to look for some options to relocate. This video is a good list of easy to get residencies if you have some money to deposit in another country.
12 Second Residence Permits with a Simple Bank Deposit
Panama – $5,000+ one other tie to the country, hard to get citizenship
Ecuador – $40,000+ and can work towards PR and the citizenship
Columbia – Easiest is buying real estate and get a PR, or as little as $20,000 into a business, and then you can get residence. If you don’t live there, unlikely to get citizenship
Costa Rica – Can prove income, as an alternative to showing statements to passive income, you can also put in two years worth of income, or about $60,000. If you live there for at least half the year you can get citizenship eventually.
Philippines SRRV, Special Resident Retiree’s Visa, Program (Up to $50,000 USD)
Thailand (10,000,000 Baht, $300,000 USD in combination with property) – renewable every year, need to be there one day every year to renew.
Malaysia (looks like it has returned was $300,000 MYR so $71,000 USD)
Panama is the sweet spot. Check out Panama Relocation Tours
However, IMHO this thing is about spent. I’m looking for everything to flip over the next 3 months. America first; then Israel; then Canada. And the good times just keep rolling.
Thx Plizak; am assuming you are Canadian and thus are also looking into a plan B. I will view the you-tube link you provided. I’d pass on Ecuador though; have a brother-in-law who has lived there for 4+ years (and still does) and I know I could not live like that. Ditto Columbia (the country, not my husband 🙂 )
Correct, Canadian but already living abroad in the UK
GMG — I don’t know about getting there, but look into Ajijic/Chapala. Lots of Canadian expats, and if you don’t speak Spanish, its a good half way house to start. Its not cold, but its not tropical heat and humidity either. Again, aside from vax requirements, its possible to drive there. Baja Norte just south of Tijuana is also an option with similar upsides.
I shall indeed! Mountain climates are good. And if Biden lifts vax requirement, driving would be an appealing option.
Would avoid anything in the EU, including Turkey.
Likely to be major issues there over next few years, and possibly an expanded war.
EU as an idea, is a dead man walking. Capital controls likely. Banks there are insolvent.
Mexico is your best bet I think. Closest and lots of Canucks there already.
Easiest way to get into UK is hire a boat from France. No paperwork and you will get free housing and welfare for life.