From Jeff Childers

SAGE is the scientific advisory group that guided the British government’s response to the pandemic. British SAGE Member Mark Woolhouse just published his new book, “The Year the World Went Mad,” which refreshingly admits that more or less everything Woolhouse and his colleagues suggested and the British government did was WRONG. Of course. Woolhouse gives his “insider’s view” describing how the pandemic-response train so quickly skewed off the tracks, rolled over, caught fire, and exploded.

Now, I’ve been warning against these “experts” since early in the pandemic, and I have the receipts, because it’s all there in my daily blogs. Folks, we’re just getting started with these confessions. A lot of deluded academics are starting to wake up and are going to be writing about it, to try to claw back their respectability and purge their guilty consciences. Just wait. You thought “expertise” was already dead? It’s only comatose. There’s a LOT of dying left to do.