Wow..this article is intriguing . Looks Like Russia is in the catbird seat in the Economic War with the West. Brilliant
Thanks Ray from Away
Wow..this article is intriguing . Looks Like Russia is in the catbird seat in the Economic War with the West. Brilliant
Thanks Ray from Away
It’s pretty clear to me that this is the opening salvo of the Great War between economic systems. That is the determination of whether the world can be continued to be ruled under the subjection of the USD. We know this by the full on, over the top response by the US in the financial realm. The response they have chosen is a one-time response. You can’t do it then do it again. It’s like covid they pulled out all the stops.
It’s the beginning of interesting times shall we say.
We are screwed. And nothing can be done about it, other than take action to protect oneself with local actions. Very local.
I agree. It’s one side against the other again. When I was younger, it was certain that “our” side was the right side, the moral side, the winning side. At this point in time, I feel I’m on the wrong side, the immoral side, the losing side. I’m pissed about that!
Dead right, Strider.
It seems that Washington has decided that if they cannot continue their hegemony over the world, may as well bring it all down.
Like the kid in the sandpit who loses it, destroys the sandpit; when he cannot have all the toys to himself, and dictate the rules of the game.