Warning to anyone holding AEM. One of two possibilities likely. One embarrassing, but not material, the other very material and being hidden. My take(I never followed either company and am speculating on these possibilities) is that either there was something like sexual harrassment or an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate involved. That would be embarrassing and might entail a lawsuit over lost compensation like the McDonalds case. Not a major problem for stockholders just bad PR. The second more likely and very serious for stockholders would be if financial shenanigans occurred over the years to inflate KL financials simililar to the Accenture deal in the UK a number of years back. If it turns out to be something similiar KL could have been a fraud and end up destroying AEM shareholder value. If I had shares I would switch to NEM or GOLD and not take any chances, even if my guess turns out to be wrong. Why take a chance when those two companies are better anyway and they will all go up if gold continues higher.
Didn’t realize they require subscription to read article. I was able to read it first time I clicked on it,blocked now?
From Brian A
You can tell Chartmaster the link works if you view incognito. I use the Brave browser by the way but it works in Chrome also
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