Just spoke with my long time manager ( retired) and great friend

her Son was at the bank in our small town and the guy in front was asking for 100,000 from his business account and 6,000 from his personal account

Manager said we do not carry that much we will order it…Big Scene ensued

When her son asked the Teller if that was unusual she said not today…that’s the 6th order like that

And this is a tiny TD Bank Branch .

Tomorrow or Friday the machines will be empty IMHO.

Cash is KING

Shop Local

No Wallfart or McTrillions . Think Local Think Cash Think Gold and Silver

I don’t know if this was Trudy and Freebitch making a big booboo or if this is a plan…but whatever it is…it’s Out of Control

This is a very bad time to be releasing the Banks Digital technology Push IMO

The Emperor has NO Clothes