A Perfectly FAIR Solution That Will Never Be Implemented
Below, is a great piece about gerrymandering, including it’s origin. I have a perfect solution that will never be adopted because the politicians would never be able to guarantee themselves a win. Just copy the fairest way to elect House members. Those few states (or territories) that only have one or two electoral votes, only get one or two House members to represent them(because of low population). So, basically the whole state or territory elects their House member(s) the same way it elects their two Senators. The whole state IS the Congressional district. There is no reason why every state including the most populous ones that have twenty to thirty House members, couldn’t make it so that everyone running for the House competes with each other. The top twenty or thirty vote getters get the seats.(Each voter votes for the number of candidates representing that states number of electoral votes.) If I am in a state that has ten seats, I get to vote for ten candidates. You run on the issues and whatever record you may have in your career. The voters actually choose who represents them instead of the politicians choosing who gets to vote for or against them. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dismantling-democracy-save-it-how-democrats-rediscovered-joys-rigging-election
Agree there is a problem here. This is a nice succinct summary:
“Voters should choose their representatives — not the other way around.”
I have a similar idea on DOJ and an at large nationwide ELECTION of attorneys general (plural). No more appointments (AGs are now there to protect THEIR OWN.)
Vote for six, three at a time. Two concurrently from each ‘party’ but staggered terms.
One each from top two parties, one more who was never previously affiliated with either major party, elected each term. Ensuring we get two mavericks, always.
Each permitted to operate (indict) autonomously, to break up the collusion and UniParty dynamic.
The other problem with Congress is secure districts, so folks like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, McConnell easily obtain seniority from which their power eventually derives. I’m convinced people are more or less OK with THEIR reps, just not the LEADERSHIP nor the DNC/RNC strangleholds.
Agree, that quote from the article says it all.
“Voters should choose their representatives — not the other way around.”
On your state level districts, another proposal (that might be easier to see adopted) would be to require congressional districts to be mapped as CONTIGUOUS groupings of entire counties, or perhaps some similar but smaller units, such as zip codes. Ie, limit their discretion on geography.