The gold chart has been in a long, arduous consolidation since it’s August 2020 high. The triangle from the August 2018 bottom, and even more so since the rally peak in early June 2021, is becoming tighter and tighter. Followers know that many of my best stock recommendations became just that, tight and quiet, before upside breakouts. We are very close to the apex of the triangle, probably just a week or two away to go, before the triangle reaches it and a breakout occurs. The fundamentals, the trading action and anything else you want to throw in the mix, signal that breakout will be to the upside. We probably have to wait until the clock runs out, my best guess would be after the President’s Day weekend, but I wouldn’t be caught without core positions because if something breaks on the political, economic and or geopolitical front, it is far enough developed that it could happen anytime now. Get right and sit tight.